Things to come?
Some interesting stories came into my purview this weekend. The first two were interesting for the irony. On page 9A of Sunday morning's Gazette we had an interesting account about how Iraqis in Fallujah were feeling safe enough to sleep on the streets and their roofs. Then Sunday afternoon came word (I saw it on CNN) that we had bombed a house in that city that was supposed to be a center for rebels. Wonder how safe the other Iraqis felt when the bombs started falling again? (Oh, yes, I also heard (on NPR which is by far the most objective news on radio or TV) that the people were saying the 14 killed were just civilians, although the U.S. commanders were saying they were insurgents (I wonder who is most believable given the lies coming out of Washington for the last two years). And it was interesting that a week after the news first surfaced that the Gazoo carried a story on the rumor about delaying this fall's election. Actually, that's not a rumor; apparently it is up for consideration. Wonder if they will carry any articles in the near future on the rumor that Cheney's new doctor will determine in August that running again will be too stressful for him? The other two articles are related in some way to the global warming that so many people say isn't happening, despite the melting of the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps and the namesakes of Glacier Park. Science News reported that some biologists are reporting that higher average temperatures are cutting into the yield of grains of rice despite longer growing seasons and more water. When the globe heats up as it is expected to, this could mean that the green revolution will need to be jump started again. The final interesting story was reported in The Week (which also asked if there might be an October surprise involving Bin Laden). What it reported in its world news wrapup was that one third of Bangladesh and a large part of India's Assam Province were flooded by heavy monsoons with great numbers of people homeless. Bangladesh, like some Pacific islands, is lowlands. What will happen in that part of the world if people are dispossessed with no way to ever return to their homes when the ice caps melt? And what will it mean for us?
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