Sunday, September 12, 2004

A cheer for Denny

I see by this morning's paper that our true-blue Republican (let the party do the thinking) congressman, Denny Rehberg, backed by his Wyoming sidekick Barbara Cubin, has glibly followed the party line again by voting against a move in the house to overturn the new overtime rules. How a big hand for the man who lives in his office from all of you out there in Montana who have been living on overtime. And he also voted again requiring companies to notify workers when pension plans become underfunded. So did Cubin. Guess there just aren't that many workers in Montana who have pension plans, or in Wyoming. So all those people who work in Montana and Wyoming, let's hear that rousing cheer in November for these two. Oh, yes, these two also voted in favor of no punishment for an Administration that lied to Congress about the projected cost of the medicare drug plan for pharmaceutical companies. Guess they don't want to know the truth.


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