Friday, July 15, 2005

And it is, too

I wonder how many people have noticed the name of the supposed WWII veteran who is calling on us to call Sen. Baucus to ask him to change his vote on the so-called "Death Tax"? His name is Malarkey and that's about what the television ad is all about. For those of you who don't know, "malarkey" is a form of balderdash or bs or whatever you call it that means nothing but nonsense. So the ad then must be nonsense. I don't know if this is supposed to be nonsense or not, but it is amusing. Particularly since I've known few WWII vets who are going to leave an estate that big. Maybe I'm missing something here that is supposed to be irony or satire.

More importantly, it is not a "death" tax, but a tax on survivors intended to keep us from having in this country the type of "aristocracy" that the British finally brought to heel in the 20th Century with their inheritance tax. Why is it that money that I earn by the sweat of my brow is somehow more taxable than money which is inherited without sweat or which is earned by clipping dividends?


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