So there!!!
Well, a conservative federal judge has spoken clearly and loudly: intelligent design is religious in scope and goals and is not relevant to science. I can't understand why people who are dependent upon science for their daily bread as well as their computer games, tv babysitters, automobiles that take them to the Wall-Mart that sells products made of plastic (an unnatural product), and provides them with cold medicines, antibiotics, etc., that make their visits to the doctor more productive than the old days when doctors just comforted the dying, have such a hatred of science. Do they want to go back to the days of undulant fever from milk, thatched roofs where spiders and rats lived, and sewage running in the streets?
They call it intelligent design, yet my wisdom teeth, my former tonsils, my brother's former appendix, my allergies, tuberculosis, babies so big they have to wait until they're outside the womb to fully develop would seem to indicate that either the designer wasn't intelligent or wasn't giving much thought to his design.
And I like the judge's point about activism: "...this case came to us as the result
of the activism of an ill-informed faction on a school board, aided by a national public interest law firm eager to find a constitutional test case on intelligent design, who in combination drove the board to adopt an imprudent and ultimately unconstitutional policy."
It ain't activism when it serves to uphold the status quo rather than advance unsubstantiated claims.
They call it intelligent design, yet my wisdom teeth, my former tonsils, my brother's former appendix, my allergies, tuberculosis, babies so big they have to wait until they're outside the womb to fully develop would seem to indicate that either the designer wasn't intelligent or wasn't giving much thought to his design.
And I like the judge's point about activism: "...this case came to us as the result
of the activism of an ill-informed faction on a school board, aided by a national public interest law firm eager to find a constitutional test case on intelligent design, who in combination drove the board to adopt an imprudent and ultimately unconstitutional policy."
It ain't activism when it serves to uphold the status quo rather than advance unsubstantiated claims.
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