Saturday, June 03, 2006

More thoughts on Conrad of Missouri

I have just sent an e.mail to Conrad Burns, Montana's senator from Missouri, asking for an apology and a retraction for the slander he has put upon me and some other long-term residents of Montana by claiming in a heavy-handed tv ad that his stance on immigration is "a Montana value." As someone whose roots in Montana go back as early as 1864, I resent being given that label. I would rather that he side with the President on this issue (as much as I find it difficult to believe baby bush sincere about anything).

It seems to me that Conrad is not cognizant of the history of Montana if he thinks that this is a true Montana value. It was not a Montana value in the 1800s when our first state constitution was adopted and the flood of immigrants from Europe kept the mines rolling in Butte and later in Roundup and Red Lodge, among others. Nor was it a Montana value in 1972 when we adopted our second constitution. I think our unesteemed senator should get his head out of his colon and learn something about his adopted state.


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